WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
REVAMDS Page Cache for WebsiteBaker
Unfortunately all attachements older than june 2015 are broken (since the upgrade of this forum software), maybe the file header are destroyed)
i can read the content of the ZIP's as a overview, but not a single file
i hope, this is the right zip
i use it in WB 2.8.4, it needs a call in the index.php of the wb-root and a folder "storage". put the files from the zip into this storage folder and be sure, that you have write permissions on the server
Code for index.php in wb-root
--- Code: ---require(WB_PATH.'/storage/start.php');
--- End code ---
P.S.: of course, it makes the cms very fast, but dont forget, that you see as a admin (or backend user) also the cache-version of a page, if this page has a cache version. sometimes i and some customers going crazy about this
P.S.: see also the array for non-cached pages in start.php, this is only a example
Hello Revamds,
Thankyou This zip is OK! (Y)
I now can go and check it.
Thanks again
Sorry Jacobi22 for caling you Rev....
Just one more thing. I stored the files in a map "storage" and added the code in the root indexfile. How can i see when the site is cached? There is an echo in start.php but...... I don't see the output.
Thanx again,
for example, we think, you have a page called "start" and a page called "about me". Both pages have links in your site menu
if you call one of this page the first time, the file start.php read the complete HTML-Code from this page and build a file with sha1 encrypted file_name in the storage folder. like 80ae4431ac7f074d2c5 34e4337ba91cdb7925f c0
if you call the same page the next time, the start.php search for this file in the storage-folder and show this content instead of the "normal" content - the "normal" uncached cms-page build his content step by step, header, sections, footer and loads for every part the content from the database, in the cached version, everything is ready to show, nothing to load and because of that, it goes faster.
to shut off the cache mode, go into the file storage / start.php and search for this line here
$cachetime = 0;
these are the minutes, before the script build a new cached version of this pages
maybe it was set to 0, when i work the last time with this project
standard is 30, means: every 30 minutes after building the last cache version of this page, it builds a new version
the cached versions of a page has this entry as the last line in your source code, but if the cachetime set to 0, its doesnt set this line
--- Quote ---<!-- Cached by REVAMDS Page Cache at ".date('jS F Y H:i', filemtime($cachefile))." -->
--- End quote ---
remember: if you are the admin and change something in the content of a page, you see also the cached version of this page, if this version not older then your defined $cachetime and then, you dont see your last changes
Hi Jacobi22,
Yep that was the problem: $cachetime = 0;
Everything is working fine now
TNX again.
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