WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Responsive layout WB

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Have a look at:


--- Quote from: Ruud on July 22, 2014, 02:38:08 PM ---Have a look at:

--- End quote ---

Perfect! (Hulde Ruud)


--- Quote from: Ruud on July 22, 2014, 02:38:08 PM ---Have a look at:

--- End quote ---

a bit Offtopic but Ruud your website looks great! only one small point, the menu doesn't seem to work on mobile and small screens if i click the 'hamburger icon' nothing happens.

What's wrong with just using

--- Code: ---<?php page_content(1); ?>
<?php page_content(2); ?>
<?php page_content(3); ?>
<?php page_content(4); ?>
--- End code ---

Nothing is wrong with using page_content multiple times with a block number.
But if you read Ruud's tutorial you will get that Ruud's approach is also meant for multiple blocks, but if you use this approach you will only need 1 template file because if you make a template in the traditional way (multiple blocks) you allways need content in every block (with surrounding wrapping div and most of the time specific CSS for that block). If you use Ruuds approach a contentblock can also be emty and the content & surrounding div will not be shown.

This way you can make a template with multiple blocks, but you don't have to fill every block in every page, and you can manage multiple layouts in one templatefile.


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