WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Images with borders - can't remove?

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if you have FTP access to the site, look in the folder /templates/template_BH/ and edit the screen-logobanner.css as described.

You can also correct the config.php in the root, there is probably a slash at the end of the WB_URL, which must be removed to avoid wrong URLs like . The line should look like

--- Code: ---define('WB_URL', '');
--- End code ---

Without FTP access, you can install the cwsoft addon file editor (from here), which you will find at Admin Tools then. Click on the entry "cwsoft-addon-file-editor, then on "installed templates", then on the name of the template and then on screen-logobanner.css. Edit the file and save.

I just noticed that the image in the header is on the one hand much too large (it is scaled by the browser) and there are autocorrect lines under the word "Tutsham" - I guess that's not intended. (Nevertheless the cut-out horses look a bit weird.)


Thank you for that - they didnt use an FTP to set up so I will try the other way.
Ref the other comments - I know, some of it makes me squirm bless's on the list, new banner is due to go up this weekend amongst other things!

Hi instantlflorian, I hope you don't mind me coming back to you on this turns out the company don't know who is hosting the site (goodness knows what they're doing with the bills!) the last person who was involved in any editing claims they don't know who set up the WebsiteBaker cms originally, which means I can't even install the cwsoft addon file editor into the cms ... at this point I don't know what I can do for them without the access I need. But thought I'd update you as you had kindly responded to my queries.
Many thanks and cross fingers for me to get proper access soon.

do you have access to the wb-admin-area?
if yes, cwsoft admin file editor is a module for WB

for the hoster: if my customers ask me, i go to whois-pages like this ->
there you four informations about the owner and the hoster, maybe, its helps, to found some infos in your company or a contact to the hoster


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