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New Church Site

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--- Quote from: mysticcowboy on April 14, 2006, 10:52:48 PM ---You did a nice job and gave me a different way to look at design. That's refreshing after too many two column, center aligned boxes with rounded corners on everything.

I can see how some people might think there's more that they can't see off the right side. But at least you got them to stay on the page long enough to try. And putting the content on the left seems to take care of that problem anyway. I really like it.
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Glad to hear. I'm slowly learning how to think outside the box without breaking the rules of design. Hopefully, I'll get there.

--- Quote ---One question. Does your "secret word" work to stop spam? It seems more accessible (good accessible) than the captcha in WB 2.6, that I've been using.

--- End quote ---
Well, it's a bit hard to say, since I've gone to this system fairly recently. My biggest motivation wasn't actually spam, but to prevent bots from doing injections, which is a bigger security risk.

At any rate, my newer email addresses don't seem to be getting as much spam, if any, but that may be simply because they haven't been "out there" as long. We'll see.


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