WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
Foldergallery category menu on sidebar?
I have to create a gallery page and would like to use foldergallery for it, but I need to create a side menu on the sidebar that is always there (global-blocks) and shows the category's of a foldergallery.
How can I create a menu to show me the Foldergallery categories? So that only 1 foldergallery would be used on entire site and for every new image category the menu link is created automaticaly on my sidebar.
can this be done with show_menu2 or do I have to create a new gallery for every menu link?
Hope u understand.
Thank you in advance.
I posted an images on how the menu should look like.
i have never try it, but i think, it works only with menu_links or with a separate sql-query in a code section
i will test it for my actual project
It would be great to post your results here.
I tried it with menu_links it works, the problem is that you can't add more sections to it. Id like to have Some kind of description above every foldergallery Category made with WYSIWYG.
If I create a desription above Main overwiev of the gallery with WYSIWYG it stays there forever no mater in which gallery category I go. I need a diferent one for every category.
I was thinking to do it with creating new foldergallery each time this should work, but then I can't create an overview of all galleries together on a "first" page. Or...?
So somekind of menu code for this would be great.
I found a great example what I would like to achieve.
Thank you.
i my project i have a main- or parent page with the members module and 8 childpages with one folgergallery section on every page, so i can build a submenu with all gallerys and one overview with a thumb from every gallery and a gallery description as a list - maybe, thats a solution for you
i see the example - yes, thats no problem with members to build the same in WB
Yes it's a nice work around and work perfectly, but it is possible that thumbnails are somehow automaticaly created for the main view of the gallery or will I have to do it and upload it manualy every time or maybe somehow just choose one from the folders already created by foldergallery.
And is there any other gallery that can have it's own menu in sidebar?
Thank you
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