WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
Show_Menu2: add specific string depending on parent
Hi guys,
I've again problems to get the menu to work. Please take a look at the following menu-structure:
--- Quote --- <ul id="navlist" class="clearfix">
<li><a href="index.html" >menu1</a></li>
<li><a href="#" rel="submenu1" >menu2</a>
<ul id="submenu1" class="ddsubmenustyle">
<li><a href="#">menu2-1</a></li>
<li><a href="#">menu2-2</a></li>
<li><a href="#">menu2-3</a></li>
<li><a href="#" >menu3</a></li>
<li><a href="#" rel="submenu2" >menu4</a>
<ul id="submenu2" class="ddsubmenustyle">
<li><a href="#">menu4-1</a></li>
<li><a href="#">menu4-2</a></li>
<li><a href="#">menu4-3</a></li>
<li><a href="#" >menu5</a></li>
--- End quote ---
It's just about the string "submenu*" - do not care about the other stuff.
All menus which have a submenu should have a rel-attribute "submenu*". The "ul" of the submenu itselfs should have an "id="submenu*". They have to be the same, counting up and starting with "submenu1".
I tried thinks like...
--- Quote ---[if(id==6){<a href="[url]" rel="submenu1">[menu_title]</a>} ...
--- End quote ---
... but I failed because there ist no way to work with "elseif", or is there a way?
I really apprecciate your help.
Untested because i'm on my dayjob ;)
but this should push you in the right direction
--- Code: ---<?php show_menu2(
$aMenu = 0,
$aStart = SM2_ROOT,
$aMaxLevel = SM2_CURR+1,
$aOptions = SM2_TRIM,
$aItemOpen = '[li]<a href="[url]" target="[target]" [if(class==menu-expand){rel="submenu[page_id]"}] class="[class]">[menu_title]</a>',
$aItemClose = '</li>',
$aMenuOpen = '<ul id="[if(class==menu-expand){submenu[page_id]}]" class="[class] [if(class==menu-expand){rel="ddsubmenustyle"}]">',
$aMenuClose = '</ul>',
$aTopItemOpen = false,
$aTopMenuOpen = '<ul id="navlist" class="clearfix">'
--- End code ---
Dear nibz,
that was really, really fast - thanks for your response.
Unfortunatly this is more or less the same I already tried an it is not working. The thing is, that that the first rel and id has to be "submenu1", second "submenu2" and so on. That s why I can not work with the page_id in this way.
My idea was to work with the page_ids like this:
--- Quote ---
* <a href="[url]" target="[target]" [if(page_id==6){rel="submenu1"}
] class="[class]">[menu_title]</a>
--- End quote ---
Unfortunatly it's not working, because I can't use "elseif" - or did I something completely wrong?
If there is a more elegant way to solve, i would really prefer it...
Thanks a lot
--- Quote from: ichmusshierweg on November 12, 2013, 03:19:24 PM ---Unfortunatly this is more or less the same I already tried an it is not working. The thing is, that that the first rel and id has to be "submenu1", second "submenu2" and so on. That s why I can not work with the page_id in this way.
--- End quote ---
Is it possible for you to work with like that:
at Level 0
Item 1: without children no rel
Item 2: with children rel="submenu2"
Item 3: without children no rel
Item 4: with children rel="submenu4"
Item 5: without children no rel
if yes, i'll post the solution.
--- Quote from: DarkViper on November 12, 2013, 05:10:15 PM ---
--- Quote from: ichmusshierweg on November 12, 2013, 03:19:24 PM ---Unfortunatly this is more or less the same I already tried an it is not working. The thing is, that that the first rel and id has to be "submenu1", second "submenu2" and so on. That s why I can not work with the page_id in this way.
--- End quote ---
Is it possible for you to work with like that:
at Level 0
Item 1: without children no rel
Item 2: with children rel="submenu2"
Item 3: without children no rel
Item 4: with children rel="submenu4"
Item 5: without children no rel
if yes, i'll post the solution.
--- End quote ---
Hi darkviper,
at this time it seems not to be possible to proceed in this way. Im using the ddlevelsmeenu and for some reason it seems to be mandatory to use submenu1, submenu2 and so on.
I already tried to modify the ddlevelsmenu.js to make it work with other rel-attributes and ids, because I thougt this might be a more easier way. Unfortunately I did find what to change in the mentioned .js file.
Thanks for your help
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