WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Basic Responsive Starter Template

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Het Artiek:
Ok to fast?  :-D

Het Artiek:
Nice template but i could not install via backend.


Installs fine on my demo site  :?

Tried both of your links...

I started a responsive template like this, but just haven't had time to finish.
I should be able to install and test more this weekend and give a few more comments. 

Reviewing the links... I ran into a few issues
1)  If browser isn't full width and menu wraps, the the menu background color doesn't change as the menu wraps.
2)  For small browsers or phones there is no menu at all.

Love the Responsive Admin.  Feels like it is faster than standard admin theme.

Thanks, there is a small issue with the responsive menu which I will fix shortly an upload again.
Pleased you like Responsive Admin.


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