WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

REVAMDS Template Framework 5 - Sneaky Peeky Movie #3


Tez Oner:
Hey WB'rs,

I wanna announce the 3rd (and prob last) sneak peek movie (and Argos... it's even longer
and more interresting movie as previous hehe) of the upcoming REVAMDS Template Framework 5 (for WebsiteBaker).

Added some awesome new features (also for developers) to the most advanched multi-site 'template'
for WB which will be released in various licences (also a free 'Lite' version) later this year. Some parts have
been completely rewritten with WB 2.8.4 (and some promising not to be mentioned new fork) in mind ;)

Also added some cool 'slider-plugins' (based on CaptionSlider and jQuery) which will be released
as separate downloads. Basicly it takes the images and parameters from CaptionSlider and does cool things
with it (like 3D, Sliding and Tiles) in the front-end. Some other new feature is the 'HTAccess Generator' so
multi-site redirects is gonna be easy as 1-2-3 ;)

Anyway check it out at:

And still looking for Beta-Testers - so drop me a line when u wanna b involved in the REVAMDS-project!


Tez Oner

Tez Oner:

The REVAMDS Template Framework 5, the most advanched - one of it's kind - 'template'
for WebsiteBaker CMS is currently in Beta!

Check (check updates) for this modern SEO and Social Media optimized template
framework. A must have for professional designers and developers who recognise the power of WB
but want a maximum user experience and (social) marketing features!

Or check out the try-out-websites (3 websites on 1 WB Install) at:
Note that the 3 languages (EN, NL & DE) are on the same WB-install & 'template' with their own Scheme and Settings!

Also check out the Mobile Devices version, by checking the sites on your Phone (iPhone tested).

Want to be a part of the REVAMDS-Team? Send us an e-mail to become a Beta-Tester
and receive a free version!


Tez Oner


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