We are currently working on our servers, so there may be outages on the domains.Zurzeit wird an unseren Servern gearbeitet, deshalb kann es zu Ausfällen bei den Domains kommen.
is there a way to manually edit the code so that I skip step 2 in checkout and go directly to step 3
is there a way to manually edit the code so that I skip step 2 in checkout and go directly to step 3?
I already did that but unfortunately Step 3 gives you an option to "CHANGE PAYMENT METHOD" and when you are taken back to step 2. This is confusing for stores with only one payment method or none at all (using Bakery just to take quotes from their visitors).
.mod_bakery_bt_modify_pay_methods_f { display: none;}
Hello Ruud, thank you for that piece of code, could you please tell me which file to modify?
So I put invisible the classes .mod_bakery_bt_modi fy_pay_methods_f and .mod_bakery_selecte d_pay_h_f, but there is still appearing the word 'Rechnung'. (View screenshot).
h3.mod_bakery_pay_h_f {display:none}
In the step before (Terms & Conditions and Payment Method) this text is not translated into German. Why? Which file generates the checkout? (invoice, Rechnung) It doesn't get the DE-language-file.
echo "my Config";