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Burnt! Velvets Unique Boutique
Still a work in progress and my first full WB site, used others such as WP, Mambo, etc. This is by far the easiest and user friendly.
Took a while to get the CSS the way I wanted because quite frankly I only sorta understand CSS well enough to be dangerous.
It is a nice design .. But one Thing:
If you keep the Guestbook open, try to protekt it with captcha, otherwise you will get it spammed (and that doesn't look good ...
... and if all browsers would do CSS like they where meant to, you (and me!) wouldn't be dangerous! :-D I use it anyway, more than 50% of my visitors use mozilla based browsers (actually around 70%!). So there is my audience and CSS is not such a big pain in the a** with Mozilla like it is with IE.
Thanks for the comment... I don't have a clue as to what Captcha is... We don't know if we'll keep the guestbook, but unsure as to how to protect it with a login guest account... This would give the people a way to give email addresses for a mailing list.
The thing that killed me was the current link is something that is standard and I thought I had to define it with my own selector... ahh well soon I'll get my main site up and the hospitals sits soon too!
see man, the captcha functionality is implemented from WB release 2.6.0 on. You do need the GD-Libraries installed on the webserver. What is does is easy. It displays a random number in a little GFX (so it can not be read automatically) which the visitor has to put in.
Advantage, if the numbers don't match or no number is supplied, the gustebook entry is not sored in the DB and it can not be abused for spamming.
Activation is via the admin interface "settings" - "show advanced Options".
oh that awesome! I appreciate it... :-D
Also, I've been checking on some paypal carts for other php cms's and if you know of any who are up to porting it with me let me know...
I just checked and captcha is enabled but how do I get it to be on that page? Sorry if Im a pain in the butt...
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