WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

OnePage demo template

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I installed it through the admin, just like any other template. Installtion was succesfull, the template itself was not  :|


--- Quote from: Argos on June 18, 2013, 03:29:52 PM ---I installed it through the admin, just like any other template. Installtion was succesfull, the template itself was not  :|

--- End quote ---
Many modules are not built to be loaded twice (or more).
Since the template loads all pages at once, problems with these modules can happen.
Try disabling pages with "special" (non standard) modules to find what is causing the problem.

I set all pages on my test site to ""visibility: none", except for 1 test page with the one page template. then I saw the template, but it had lots of static content from the original template file, and it showed all pages regardless of the stsutsu that I set to none.

So, this template is not ready for use yet

The template works fine. I had tested it on a rather complex site with many levels and all kinds of modules, droplets, etc. But then you will get all kinds of unwanted output. This template is not suited for such sites.

It works fine on simple, one-level sites.

Great template for landing pages, very simple sites, and clients with very tight budgets! Thanks, Ruud  :-D

Before users start to use this template, there are a few restrictions that I came across:

Hidden pages are not visible (eg: thank you pages after sending form)
Guestbook mod is not working

Test the template with your desired mods and configuration before considering editing it by yourself.




Is there also a way to make it scroll horizontal ? I looked at the jquery waypoints and it should be there but i'm missing something.

(rooms still doesn't scroll fluid for me, so this one will be my only option)




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