WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

OnePage demo template

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Great code, is it possible to add another content <?php page_content(2); ?> which is not used by onepage code and would behave different as <?php $op->page_content(1) ?>

I tried with numbers 1 and 2 but it doesnt make any difference.

The problem is I would use two sections on a site, the first would be the onepage code, it would actualy be full width image, and the second would be normal content.
So that when you click on a menu link it would take you to image.

Here is the template I would like to use.

Thank you


do you activate the wb general option  "blocks enabled"?

your templates info.php needs also entrys like this

--- Quote ---$block[1] =    'Main';
$block[2] =    'Right';
--- End quote ---

and a second section with the setting "right" in the Block select field


--- Quote from: jacobi22 on October 10, 2015, 06:55:15 PM ---do you activate the wb general option  "blocks enabled"?

your templates info.php needs also entrys like this

--- Quote ---$block[1] =    'Main';
$block[2] =    'Right';
--- End quote ---

and a second section with the setting "right" in the Block select field

--- End quote ---

I have all those inserted, the blocks works, but the content is the same in both codes 1 and 2, no matter which block is selected in the backend.


this or Entrys like this is needed in the info.php of the frontend template

--- Quote ---$block[1] =    'Main';
$block[2] =    'Right';
--- End quote ---

after writing this in the info.php, its needed to reload the template infos
Go to Addons -> advanced
activate the control box for templates and click reload

after that go to page (administration) and there to manage sections like this here

see the select field in the row "block"

in my example main is Block 1 and <?php page_content(1); ?>

right is Block 2 and <?php page_content(2); ?>

I have the right blocks selected It should work, but somehow the content from all blocks is shown in <?php $op->page_content(1) ?> no matter how many I create and change in the BA

I guess it is the class.onePagerData.php that needs to be changed somehow it shuld work only with content (1) so I can add some other content blocks that are not affected by it.

Thank you



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