WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

show_menu2: valid XHTML and CSS selectable menus

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@brofield - no feedback on the beta until this weekend but I wanted to say the sitemap feature with the added description field is cool -just what I wanted. :) Also thanks for picking up that arraykeys bug and for all your other work.  8-)

If you're still taking requests for future updates here's one I had a while back on my previous layout, but others have requested it. How about the ability to assign small 16x16 icons to the menu items. I did a messy hack on my old one where I simply did something like [page_name].jpg and save images named after each page but made for many duplicated images. I also did similar with page level ie [level].jpg (forget what the actually variables were called).

In my case all I originally wanted to have a different top level icon and color for each top level category

Graphics (paint_brush.gif)
News (newspaper.gif)

Then you could use a similar logo/color scheme on the page; this helps on a site with many types of content for the visitor to readily know what section they are in. In other words all art related pages are blue scheme, with paint brush logo (matching the menu icon) etc.

Anyway sorry for inflicting you with my rambling thought process. :) This should be part of the WB core as it is absolutely excellent.

You can already do something like this by using the [menu_title] as the class in the item format. You would want to keep all of your menu titles as single words I guess. In the next beta I will include a few extra items like page_id, parent_page_id, description, keywords. e.g.

--- Code: ---"<a href='[url]' target='[target]' class='[menu_title]'>[menu_title]</a>"

--- End code ---

I have no idea what you are wanting.


Release of show_menu2, version 3.0 beta 2.

Changes in this version are:

* added [description], [keywords], [page_id], [parent] (parent page id), [level] (page level) formatting options
* all flag like options combined into a flags parameter (affects only people using numbered classes and descriptions or keywords
* all formatting of the menu has been abstracted out into a formatting class which may be replaced by a caller with their own custom formatting class.
Details, demo and downloads at



--- Quote from: bupaje on May 04, 2006, 02:50:39 AM ---In my case all I originally wanted to have a different top level icon and color for each top level category

Graphics (paint_brush.gif)
News (newspaper.gif)

--- End quote ---

If you use the new 3.0 version then you could use the [level] or [page_id] formats set the class or link id. To do class based images though, you should be able to do it with the current version and CSS selectors. See



Hi Brodie
I would like to use your show_menu2 snippet to create a Sitemap with
description + keywords like shown in your demo page.  :roll:

I guess that -to create a normal menu- you put a regular php-call of show_menu2
in the index(.)php file, which will create the menu call on every page of your site
... but...
I want a sitemap to be shown only on a single page   :|

- How can I do that?
- Wich release of the snippet do I at least nee?

Thx for answers...


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