WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

show_menu2: valid XHTML and CSS selectable menus

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well it is not really a bug of the show_menu function, it is more the way how WB handles search pages. The page_id is set to zero if you are using the search, therefore the menu disappears with the WB menu functions (show_menu) and the external menu function show_menu2().

Maybe Brofield find out a solution which works without changing WB core files, maybe we need to adapt WB core files, maybe both.

Regards Christian


Unfortenately Brofield is momentarily very busy and I respect that off course. So in a short term a solution from him would be difficult what is highly understandable.

So If anyone knows a solution for this issue on a short term or has a good working show_menu2 configuration regarding this issue then would you please share it with us. I would be heavenly greatfull since this topic is bugging me for a month now and I'm keep stretching up the deadline of my client  :|



just released show_menu2 version 4.60 which includes the page_id = 0 bug fix from Brofield on the addons repository.
If your menu disappears after submitting a search, follow the steps below (requires show_menu2 v4.60 or higher)

Step 1: Add the following input field to the database search settings after
the <form> open tag: WB Backend -> Settings -> Show advanced settings -> Search Settings -> Header

--- Code: ---<input type="hidden" name="referrer" value="[REFERRER_ID]" />
--- End code ---

Step 2: In the index.php of your template, add the following input field immediately following the search <form> open tag.

--- Code: ---<input type="hidden" name="referrer" value="<?php echo defined(&#39;REFERRER_ID&#39;)?REFERRER_ID:PAGE_ID;?>" />

--- End code ---

Brofield thanks for this bugfix.

Regards Christian

Hi. I get this error in the scripts.log I have error level set to E_Error which I read is for fatal errors but show_menu2 seems to work great as always. I am setting up new pages so some of the subpages have no content yet which I guess is possible.

--- Code: ---show_menu2 error: no flags from group 1 supplied! Exactly one flag is required!

--- End code ---

I only noticed it because the error file has gotten huge .


Read the documentation and check the parameters you are using again. You're not passing the correct flags to the function for the $aFlags parameter.


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