WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
show_menu2: valid XHTML and CSS selectable menus
Thank you, Brofield. You rock! :mrgreen:
--- Quote from: brofield on March 01, 2006, 03:33:51 AM ---This menu won't show normally because of the invisible parent. However, you can show it in your template where-ever you want by specifying the ID of the invisible parent:
<?php show_menu2(1, **INVISIBLE_PAGE_ID**, SM2_ALL, SM2_ALL); ?>
--- End quote ---
Okay, got my utility menu displaying great with this code. Now my issue is with the breadcrumbs, which show the "hidden" parent page of the utility pages.
I'm using show_breadcrumbs() to display the breadcrumbs. Is there any way to have the breadcrumbs show a link to the Homepage followed by the name of the current utility page, but NOT show the hidden utility parent?
Use show_menu2 to show the breadcrumbs. Add a link to the top menu manually.
See which is a page of a hidden
utility menu. Then look for "breadcrumbs". Copy and modify the code as necessary.
The breadcrumb code wouldn't show anything. I have show_menu2() working fine, but when using the following code absolutely nothing is displayed:
show_menu2(0, SM2_ROOT, SM2_CURR, SM2_CRUMB, '<span class="[class]"> > [a][menu_title]</a>', '</span>', '', '', '<b>You are here:</b> <span class="[class]">[a][menu_title]</a>');
Anyway, have decided to use echo PAGE_TITLE, very simple, to show where I am.
Next issue: I can't see anywhere that shows it possible to assign a class to each individual menu item, in case you want to use an image for each menu item. Easy to assign a class to a menu level, but is it possible to assign for each actual menu item?
And if not, I would suggest this as a fairly important addition to be made.
Use the page id. i.e. class="page_[page_id] [class]"
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