WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

show_menu2: valid XHTML and CSS selectable menus

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If I understand you correctly, you want to have
1) root level menu
2) child menu
3) an unrelated utility menu.

In this case I would dispense with the whole multiple menu mess, and instead create your menu as normal. In this menu, add a top level hidden item "Utility Menu" and then add all of the utility menu items underneath it. Then make the 3rd call to show_menu2 using that hidden menu item as the root.

i.e. See the sample page at
These are your menus.
1. Root Level Only
2. Children/Siblings
3. Hidden Menu



I have a difficult question. I want to generate a menue with some graphical elements - different for each level - see here:

The black lines show the different (background)  images.

Is it possible and how can I do this with show_menu2?
Any help would be fine.

Thank You an best wishes


Yes. Learn HTML and CSS and go for your life.

First create it yourself in straight HTML. Once you know how to do it,
you then automate it with a menu function like SM2.
See the documentation for what CSS classes SM2 creates.



--- Quote from: brofield on September 06, 2007, 06:37:59 PM ---If I understand you correctly, you want to have
1) root level menu
2) child menu
3) an unrelated utility menu.

In this case I would dispense with the whole multiple menu mess, and instead create your menu as normal. In this menu, add a top level hidden item "Utility Menu" and then add all of the utility menu items underneath it. Then make the 3rd call to show_menu2 using that hidden menu item as the root.

i.e. See the sample page at
These are your menus.
1. Root Level Only
2. Children/Siblings
3. Hidden Menu


--- End quote ---

Hi Brofield,

tx for the explanation. I discarted the multiple menu stuff and now have simply three calls for show_menu2 in the code, just as you suggested.
I actually didn't need to change the calls for the main navigation and the menu with its children. The only thing I still don't understand (despite reading your documentation a couple of times) are the variables you use for the hidden menu:
show_menu2(0, 19, SM2_ALL, SM2_ALL), e.g. what is the 19 referreing to?

This menu is still not displayed, thus I would like to understand how the script works to get it work. :-)

Thank you in advance for some further assistance,

It is the page ID for the parent item. Note that this item will not be displayed, only it's children will. You get this number by logging into the admin, clicking on the page that you want to be the parent as though you are going to edit it, and then reading the number out of the address bar.

click page you want as parent
address bar =
The page_id is 19
put this into the show_menu2 call as the parent.



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