WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

show_menu2: valid XHTML and CSS selectable menus

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Does this snippet support foreign language?
When I key in Chinese text, it shows code instead.
(btw, Chinese text appears OK in content area)

Thanks for helping.


the show_menu2 function is independend from the language. Pagenames and Menutitles are generated from the core files of WB. If you have issues with this maybe this link is helpfull:

--- Quote ---,5730.msg37501.html#msg37501
--- End quote ---

It is a german thread but the attached files should solve all language issues. If you have installed wb 2.6.5 you can download the zip package from this post, unzip and overwrite the files on your hist with the new ones. All pages wich are created after this "upgrade" should look ok.


Thanks Matthias.

It WORKS!  :lol:

I've tried many combinations of the code but I can't find the right one.

I have the following:

Topic 1
- Sub Topic 1a
- Sub Topic 1b
- Sub sub Topic 1ba
Topic 2
- Sub Topic 2a
- Sub Topic 2b
- Sub sub Topic 2ba
- Sub sub Topic 2bb

What I want is:

When you are in one of Topic 1's Children (Sub Topic 1a, - Sub Topic 1b or Sub sub Topic 1ba) then I want the menu to show all of the children of 1.

When you are in one of Topic 2's Children (Sub Topic 2a, - Sub Topic 2b, Sub sub Topic 2ba or Sub sub Topic 2bb) then I want the menu to show all of the children of 2.

The result has to be that there are 2 menu's: one with all the children (and sub children) of Topic 1 and one with all the Children (and sub children) of Topic 2.

I hope that someone know what I mean and have an answer!  :-D

Easiest way ... make 2 menu's (look for multiple menu in forum). Use standard menu call in template, just calling the menu numbers.

Harder way ... read the documentation of show menu 2 and make the relevant page_ids the starting point.




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