WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

show_menu2: valid XHTML and CSS selectable menus

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A new one I'm busy designing for a client.
I also tried the "allcss2" which did not work either.

Like I say - It worked with the default "round" template.
But that template uses "page_menu" to call it's menu. It could be that by using "show_menu2" in other places (in this new template) it is affecting the menu call that uses the [description] variable.

Yes, all the pages do have a description and I works accordingly in the *round* template.

I've done a few tests and discovered it's down to the code used for the breadcrumbs:-

Code used from demos,

--- Code: ---show_menu2(0, SM2_ROOT, SM2_MAX+2, SM2_CRUMB, ' > [a][menu_title]</a>', '', '', '', '<strong>You are here:</strong> [a][menu_title]</a>');

--- End code ---

If I remove this menu call the other menu (showing the [description] variable) works fine.


--- Quote from: gavjof on March 14, 2007, 02:13:02 PM ---I'm using the following to show a site map for current level pages complete with descriptions:
... using SM2_ALLINFO ...
... but when I try using another template it only returns.

--- End quote ---

As is written clearly in the documentation at

Load all fields from the page table of the database. This will result in quite a lot of memory being used and is not recommended, however it will make keywords, descriptions, and other fields available. This data is not loaded by default. NOTE: This flag must be used on the *FIRST* call to show_menu2 *for this menu ID*, or in combination with SM2_NOCACHE otherwise it will have no effect.

Make sure that SM2_ALLINFO is being used in all calls to sm2 in the template.


Nice one, I never read that far  :oops:
All good now.

So I have a small problem. I'm using show_menu2 to create a dropdown box menu. However, I can't seem to get it to work. I know I must be doing something stupid with the <option> in it. Here is the code:

--- Code: ---<select name="drop_menu">
<?php show_menu2(0, SM2_ROOT, SM2_START, &#39;<option value="[menu_title]">[a][menu_title]</a>&#39;, &#39;</option>&#39;); ?>

--- End code ---

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.


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