WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

show_menu2: valid XHTML and CSS selectable menus

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Thanks Brofield and Kweitzel for your responses.

@Brofield: You are right and perhaps it wasn't clear enough what I needed.

The reason I use UDM, is exaclty because I want to present popup menus!

Imagine that you have the structure I wrote before. My menu can only afford 3 links in the main page ( Home Page, News and Pictures). Here is the issue:

1. I use SM2_ROOT+1, because I don't want to display the EN and DE pages. I deal with them as described in the wiki of WebsiteBaker. This works great.

2. So when the page loads, you can see the above 3 links and an arrow on the left of the 2 categories that have sub-links. When you mouse over the News category for instance, a popup window will be displayed to show News1 and News2 links. This is great and works fine. The problem starts when you click for instance on News1 link. Then the arrow on the PICTURES category is hidden/collapsed and you can only see the menu of the News category. This is my problem! Why it has to collapse, since the popup menu should always be expanded, nomatter which sub-link of a category you choose.

3. I use SM2_TRIM because I only want to show the contents of the EN page or DE page depending on language selection. Also, mind you that I only have space for 3 links! These links are different, 3 for English and 3 for Deutch, but they can be arranged to show properly only using the SM2_TRIM function.

I guess what I'm looking for is an modification that will help many folks when trying to create a multilingual site with popup menus.


I guess I have figured a way to overcome this issue, but I would like your help on the following:

Below is the site structure :

->home page
->->Pictures 1
->->Pictures 2

How can I make it using show_menu2 to show when clicking the English language only the English menu and when clicking the Deutch site only the Deutch menu. Currently I'm using the following:
show_menu2(0, SM2_ROOT+1, SM2_ALL, SM2_ALL, false, "\n</li>", false, false, false, '<ul class="udm" id="udm">');

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

THanks again guys1

On my sites and I created menu links to the language top pages refering to the language homepage.

Then, i think you would use following SM2 Code:

--- Code: ---1) show_menu2(0, SM2_ROOT+1, SM2_CURR+1);
2) show_menu2(0, SM2_ROOT+1, SM2_CURR+1, SM2_ALL, false, "\n</li>", false, false, false, '<ul class="udm" id="udm">');
--- End code ---

1) Is the original "Children/Siblings" code from the SM2 Page
2) I think would be your UDM Code for that issue

Additionally a browser redirect script in the intro page (beware of the issues with it!) which selects one page by default (or, if you have the script also to select basesd on browser language).



Version 3.9 now available at

* Support test for not-equals and non-existence of classes in the conditional formatting. i.e. the != operator
* Support the equals operator as the double-equals (==) that most people are used to (although single equals (=) is still supported for backward compatibility)


this is a very fantastic tool and I thank you!

One question: I would like to display ONLY the siblings of the current page, yet not the current page and nothing else. Is there an easy way to do that?

Currently I am using the following code, which shows ALL sublings within the category:

--- Code: ---show_menu2(0, SM2_CURR, SM2_CURR, '','- [a][menu_title]</a><br>','','','<br>');
--- End code ---

Thanks, greetings, and happy holidays/christmas/chanukkah/kwanzah/festivus etc.!   


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