WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
show_menu2: valid XHTML and CSS selectable menus
--- Quote from: brofield on August 31, 2006, 07:53:29 AM ---Issue 1
If you are using the default format then the menu-current class is assigned to the <li> element, not the <a> element.
Issue 2
Sure this is correct? Pages available to registered users only will appear in the menu only to registered users.
--- End quote ---
Thank you for your ultra fast response!!
Ok... that will give me something more to work with on Issue 1... could be my problem :oops:
Now... with Issue 2... hmm... maybe I got it mixed up as to what it should do. If that is normal behaviour for registered pages, then maybe it is private pages I need, however I have tried both. Neither will show in the menu unless I am signed in. I want the link to be visible to all, but when the link is clicked on the person then needs to sign in before they can view the contents. Sorry if I didn't explain that very well.
Update: this table now shows what SM2 is displaying. As far as I have investigated, this is the same as the output of show_menu().
Page TypeMenu VisibilityPage VisibilitySearch ResultsPublicEveryoneEveryoneTrueRegisteredEveryone *1 (or)
Logged in user in correct group *2Logged in user in correct groupTruePrivateLogged in user in correct groupLogged in user in correct groupTrueHiddenNeverEveryone, but only if they know the page URLTrueNoneNeverEveryone, but only if they know the page URLFalse
*1 if General Settings -> Login = Enabled
*2 if General Settings -> Login = Disabled
Note: in regards to Hidden and None types, security by obscurity is no security at all. Use this for developing pages before making them live but never assume that those pages are private.
Hi There,
Yep that is what I was thinking would happen with registered pages. I just went and checked again, and it is a page set to 'registered' and it is only viewable on the menu if someone is logged in.
SM2 uses the same SQL limit as show_menu() and menu(), so SM2 will have the same output as them. This sql limit eliminates private pages from the output when you are not logged in. It eliminates registered pages from the output if there is no frontend login (refer admin settings).
I guess if you are not seeing "Registered" pages when you are not logged in, then you probably don't have frontend login enabled.
:oops: Like I said, something very simple that I was missing. Thank you.
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