WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

show_menu2: valid XHTML and CSS selectable menus

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See the UDM website linked from that demo for details of how to set it up. My demo page is just showing that it can be used with sm2.


Version 3.7 now available at

* Call htmlspecialchars on all strings to ensure that the output menu items are valid HTML.
* Added new flag SM2_NOESCAPE to turn off this escaping if it isn't desired.


--- Quote from: brofield on August 24, 2006, 07:18:58 AM ---See the UDM website linked from that demo for details of how to set it up. My demo page is just showing that it can be used with sm2.


--- End quote ---

 Sorry for being a pain. - I get the .zip from there.

 Now what do I need to upload/modify in the Template? If you can tell me the basic things that have to be done to get a standard UDM menu it will help me get an idea of what I need to do.

 I just need the basic steps after downloading the .zip ... if you could, please tell me.


Do your own work. See the UDM site. Read the manual.

Hi Brodie, hi all

really a great snippet. I got it to work as I want:
One vertical menu for the root, a second menu for the root+1. I took the code from your demopage:

--- Code: ---<div class="root">
<?php show_menu2(0, SM2_ROOT, SM2_START); ?>
<div class="second-menu">
<?php show_menu2(0, SM2_ROOT+1, SM2_START); ?>

--- End code ---

To get it correct for xhtml strict (without target=...) I changed $aItemOpen like this:

--- Code: ---<?php show_menu2(0, SM2_ROOT, SM2_START, SM2_PRETTY, &#39;[li]<a href="[url]">[menu_title]</a>&#39;); ?>
--- End code ---

Then there is a mistake I do not understand - what I am coding wrong?
-> On every page I see the children of all root-entries in the second menu, for every entry of root a complete UL.

The same, if I just use the flag SM_PRETTY (no other $aItemOpen). Is there something I don't see?

Only your demo like above shows the correct children of root depending to the actual page.

Thank you for this modul - may be you can identify my mistake.


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