WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
show_menu2: valid XHTML and CSS selectable menus
--- Quote from: berndn on July 31, 2006, 01:24:48 PM ---I want to create this kind of list...
But all my tries lead to garbish :)
--- End quote ---
Please read the documentation at In any case, that looks pretty much like the default output. Exactly what are you trying to do that is different to the default? If you want the class="submenu" when the menu has sub-menus then you just need to change your code to expect the class "menu-expand" and there you have it. There is no easy way to get the name="submenu" added when there is a submenu without writing your own output function. See legacy.php in the sm2 zipfile download for an example of a custom output function.
--- Quote from: berndn on July 31, 2006, 01:24:48 PM ---Anyway to dump the show_menu2 output into an php array or is this to complicated :D
--- End quote ---
Again, have a look at writing your own custom output function if you really want it output as an array. I expect that you are looking to over-engineer the problem though. You just need to read the documentation better.
Give us a clear explanation of the problem and we might be able to help you.
Thanks for the tips so far. I would need the name="submenu" for the javascript which is needed for Internet Explorer.
I looked into the legacy.php but I'm not sure how to use it. I enable the legacy.php with the include.
After I do this what has changed. Do I need to call show_menu2 with what parameters or what do I have to do ?
If you wish we can talk about this via email or pm instead of me asking silly question in this thread ;)
Version 3.5 now available at
* Added conditional formatting. Only add attributes, classes, tags, etc when specific conditions are met for that menu item, like if it has a particular class, if it has a particular level, etc. Ssee the documentation for complete details. Examples using the conditional formatting can be found at the demo site (search for "Conditional")
* New flag SM2_PRETTY to output the menu HTML formatted with indents for ease of debugging
A custom output class takes callbacks from the sm2 menu engine and formats that data for output. The legacy.php file defines a new function sm2_show_menu() which attempts to recreate the call signature of the show_menu() function using a custom output class. It is an example of how to call show_menu2 with a custom output class, not a final solution for you.
Instead use show_menu2 version 3.5 and use the conditional formatting. See the website, "Conditional" for an example of what you want to do.
Thanks a lot for your explanation. I wasn't sure that it was so easy to use the custom output filter in the version I used. Thanks for this :)
And thanks a lot for the new version. Will try it :-)
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