WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
show_menu2 active state within childpages
This always breaks my nerves! :evil: :? :-(
I have 2 menus, how to make the top on show the active state with all it's children
(even in level only)
my page structure is [lang]->[mainpages]->[subpages]
so 0. level is just for language
Top menu:
--- Code: ---echo show_menu2(0, 480, SM2_START+1, SM2_TRIM |SM2_NUMCLASS|SM2_PRETTY|SM2_BUFFER, "[li][a][menu_title]</a>", '</li>', '[ul]', '</ul>', false, false);
--- End code ---
When clicked top menu, it gives this html:
--- Quote ---<li class="menu-1 menu-expand menu-current menu-first"><a title="page3" target="_top" href="http://localhost/site/pages/eng/page3.php">Page3</a> </li>
--- End quote ---
sub menu:
--- Code: ---echo show_menu2(1, SM2_CURR+1, SM2_START, SM2_TRIM |SM2_NUMCLASS|SM2_PRETTY|SM2_BUFFER, "[li][a][menu_title]</a>", '</li>', '[ul]', '</ul>', false, false);
--- End code ---
try to style the .menu-parent in your css.
Thank you
That will also style the not-currently-opened menu items.
What i meant that was to show the active state
--- Quote ---That will also style the not-currently-opened menu items.
--- End quote ---
:? :?
i didnt understand...
i have a vertical main menu and a submenu in the top (see pic), 2 menu-codes with separat ID for every menu
if i navigate only in main pages, the submenu is empty. if i click on the link "Tennis", this link becomes the class "menu-current" and the submenu open, if i click on a link in this submenu, the main link "Tennis" becomes the class "menu-parent" (and only this link) and the clicked link from the submenu becomes the class "menu-current"
if you have same menus like that, you have to separat the classes in the css-file with the menu-ID, like this
mainlevel-nav is the ID for my submenu
--- Code: ---ul#mainlevel-nav li
{ color: #ff0000;
--- End code ---
my mainmenu has no ID, only the class mainlevel, i use the the DIV (container1) around the main menu in the css
--- Code: ---#container1{color:#00ff00;}
--- End code ---
the pic: if i click on the main page "Tennis", the link is yellow = menu-current, if i click on a subpage from "Tennis", Tennis-Link is green ( menu-parent) and the current page in submenu is red
Thank you Thank you Thank you !
I have somehow confused menu-expand and menu-parent ! With this menu-parent it works like charm!
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