WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

changing texts on glassberry template


Where do I change the text on the login section? At the moment it has 'Loginname' next to the filed and I want to change it to 'username'. And I also want to change the text 'Forgot Details?' to Forgotten Details?'
When I looked at the template it doesn't show the texts are giving me any hint. Please help.

<div id="login-box">
if(FRONTEND_LOGIN AND !$admin->is_authenticated()) { //If begin
<form name="login" action="<?php echo LOGIN_URL; ?>" method="post">
               <fieldset class="topbox">
                  <legend><?php echo $TEXT['LOGIN']; ?></legend>
                  <div class="topboxbody">
                     <label for="username"><?php echo $TEXT['USERNAME']; ?>:</label>
                     <input type="text" name="username" id="username" class="text" />
                     <label for="password"><?php echo $TEXT['PASSWORD']; ?>:</label>
                     <input type="password" name="password" id="password" class="text" />
                     <input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php echo $TEXT['LOGIN']; ?>" class="submit" />
                     <div><a href="<?php echo FORGOT_URL; ?>"><?php echo $TEXT['FORGOT_DETAILS']; ?></a>, <br />
                     <?php if(is_numeric(FRONTEND_SIGNUP)) { ?>
                        <a href="<?php echo SIGNUP_URL; ?>"><?php echo $TEXT['SIGNUP']; ?></a>
                     <?php } ?></div>

look into the files in folder languages and there to your Backend- or WB-System-Languages, like EN.php or DE.php

search in this file for $TEXT['FORGOT_DETAILS'] and change the value behind this entry

original in EN.php // line 148

--- Quote ---$TEXT['FORGOT_DETAILS'] = 'Forgot Details?';
--- End quote ---

change to

--- Quote ---$TEXT['FORGOT_DETAILS'] = 'Forgotten Details?';
--- End quote ---

the login text you found in the file account / languages/ EN.php or DE.php

Thanks, mate. That was very helpful. I also changed all the text Loginname to Login but nothing is happening. The front end of my site still shows Loginname in the Login box. Do you know where this could be? I looked at the template itself and I can;t find the word Loginname.
Thanks in advance.

your code in the first posting is from the index.php of the glassberry-template.
this code use text-variables from the languages file in folder languages,

in DE.php in line 366, in EN.php in line 355

--- Code: ---$TEXT['USERNAME'] = 'Loginname';
--- End code ---

in DE.php in line 189, in EN.php in line 187

--- Code: ---$TEXT['LOGIN'] = 'Anmeldung';
--- End code ---

--- Code: ---$TEXT['LOGIN'] = 'Login';
--- End code ---

if you use another language, look in this language files, maybe FR.php for france

search the variables from the index.php only in this languages-Folder

if you click a link in this frontend-Login-Field (Forget Login-data or Register), see my first post
these files are in the folder account and use here own languages fields
if you not sure, look to the adress-field in your browser
a frontend-signup-link ends with /account/signup.php


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