General Community > WebsiteBaker Website Showcase
Another website on WB and VA Template Framework 3.5.5
Tez Oner:
designed (from logo till layout) and launched a new website on WebsiteBaker and the
VA Template Framework 3.5.5. It's a kinda complex one with some neat SorTable and
Catalogs modules implementation and heavy CSS Styling, webfonts :) and the good ol'
CaptionSlider for the slides.
Check it on:
Tez Oner
hi, again a new nice template from you. :wink:
but again not valid...
Tez Oner:
Hey dbs,
--- Quote from: dbs on July 18, 2012, 08:36:53 PM ---hi, again a new nice template from you. :wink:
but again not valid...
--- End quote ---
And again... when validated with W3C it will not 'validate'... cause the they are not up to date
with latest browser developments... the websites I build Are... there future proof unlike
most 'technician bot based' systems like W3C.
The CSS3 I code are 'modern browsers proof' and don't show any errors or warnings in frontend...
but some things classes like -moz-border, box-shadow etc...are just to new... but working in all mayor
(modern) browsers. My validation is my experience... ;) but that few warnings are acceptable,
even for professional websites for broad markets and visitors.
But again thanks for noticing,
Tez Oner
first of all of course you can do whatever you want and most of all you can belive what ever you want....
And although I normally do not answer posts like this as I'm comletely sure this will lead to nothing I want to say dbs is right :wink:.
Maybe you want to think about your statemants which say: jquery has errors (stated in an other post of you and of course this could be but not in this case) and w3 validation is not up to date which means tenthousends of coders who try to get failure free pages are wrong but you are right?
Further the javascript errors you got do not necessarily lead to html errors, so you have to take a seperate look at both of them.
The page you are introducing above is about premium prducts so I guess your customer wants premium code on his website too.
Once agin this is just my 5 ct and I wish you good business and yes I like your site.
My posts are often to short.
What i mean are little things like this:
--- Code: ---Warnung: missing </a> before <div>
Warnung: <hr> element not empty or not closed
Warnung: <br> element not empty or not closed
Warnung: content occurs after end of body
Warnung: <script> inserting "type" attribute
--- End code ---
This is easy to correct and should be done.
The warnings and the Javascript-Errors makes not good impression.
But if it is not important for you or your clients, i will never say something.
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