WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

delete gaps between frames

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--- Quote ---But the code for the index.php hasn´t solved the problem with the large menuframe.
--- End quote ---
plz copy&paste my code. your code looks wrong.

your margin-right is not what you want, you need margin-left. (i think)  :wink:

--- Quote ---By the way, why do have to change some points of the design in the "template.css" and other ones in the "index.php" file?
--- End quote ---
I don't know, it's your template.
Work in index.php with classes and/or id's, than you can all style in css.
HTML & CSS are basics and not WebsiteBaker-specific. You will find many help in Google
or here:

Thank you again.

Now the construction of the design is how I imagined. But there is a problem with the german letters ü and ä.
For instance: The german "zurück" is shown as zurück.
But the problem is just existing when I use the letters in the menubox. If I use them in the content I don´t have these problems.

I googled but I just found that I have to change the charset in the index.php. I tried it and it doesnt work.

Can someone help me?

Does realy no one can help me?

If you need some more Information to solute, let me know!

How did you set your charset in the template?

Example of good usage

--- Code: ---<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php if(defined('DEFAULT_CHARSET')) { echo DEFAULT_CHARSET; } else { echo 'utf-8'; }?>" />

--- End code ---

Hi nibz,

I set the template on utf8 but it didn´t work.

May I have to change something in the mysql daba.

The strange point is, I have the problems with the wrong letters just in the menu and in the wb-backend, but not in the wysiwyg-content.


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