General Community > WebsiteBaker Website Showcase

Non-Profit Organization Website


First website using WebsiteBaker with a few more in in the work.
Would love to hear some comments(good and bad)..

A non-profit, educational and charitable organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.

looks nice

looks ok.
link "member log in" is not so pretty.
your meta description is empty.

sky writer:
Great work, especially for a first effort!

Since you asked, here are some constructive criticisms:

- I find the "Home" page a little 'busy', and not all that welcoming, especially to a newcomer.  Perhaps if there were some static descriptive text at the top of the main content section for visitors to read, something like what is in one of your slides "The Junior League of Arlington is an oroganization of women committed to ..." (check the spelling on "organization", by the way.  The slides have all this content, but they switch too quickly to be able to read it!

- The black writing on red background is hard on the eyes (mine anyway) -

- "Member Log In" & "Pay Membership Dues" links stick out like a sore thumb in what is otherwise a pretty clean design.

- the 'oval' hover states are interesting, but wouldn't be my first choice.  I'm not sure why, they just seem amateurish or something.

- This is a personal pet peave, but I dislike when a link (especially a menu link) breaks the site layout and/or navigation.  For instance:

* "Donate Online" menu link.  I would suggest wrapping that form to keep your site navigation consistent.
* Same goes for "About Us/Annual Report", which opens a pdf.  Alternately, you could open the pdf _blank so it opens in a new window or tab.  Not every user will know to click the "Back" button in a pdf, to go back to your website.

Always a fan of constructive criticisms.  Still very much an amature to website design.  Started out wanting to update a website in HTML and ended up finding a CMS that was easy to use so the non-techy could update the website.  Just having fun with it more than anything to help out my wife's organization.  No cash, but got a free round of golf out of the deal.

Thanks for the idea of putting things pdf inside a wrapper.  Looks really sharp on the page.
Tried to use a wrapper on the external links, but looks pretty bad inside the page, but could open up another page.

For some of the other stuff...Afraid I asked the customer to many questions and the page became very busy. 
We would like this.  Of course I can do it, but sticks out like a sore thumb... we don't care.. Want it anyways.  Site looked clean to me until they wanted the "Pay Membership Dues" button.  Was gonig to possibly add the date/time to go with Member Sign in just to make it not be by itself, but when they asked for the Pay Membership Dues I said to heck with it...

Here is a screen shot of the members side of the house.  Member sign in actually opens up once the user signs in and there are several page links depedig on member status.  It turns into links for Public, Members, Admin Tools(only if mbr is web admin), and Log Out function.  Looks a little more natrual to me.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


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