WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
Footer site map as a table menu
Thanks, it is:
--- Code: --- <?php show_menu2(1, 2, SM2_ALL, SM2_ALL, '<li><a href="[url]" class="[class] navlev[level]">[menu_title]</a>', "</li>", '<ul class="ullev[level]">', "</ul>", true, '<ul id="header_menu1" class="menu"><li class="home"><a href="'.WB_URL.'"> </a></li>');
--- End code ---
You are now listing the siblings of the page with number two,
You'll just need to change the third selector from SM2_ALL (which 'says' that it will list all levels) to SM2_START+1,
And maybe it would be nice to adjust the options tag (number 4) to ALL,
So the code will be:
--- Code: ---show_menu2(1, 2, SM2_START+1, SM2_ALL '<li><a href="[url]" class="[class] navlev[level]">[menu_title]</a>', "</li>", '<ul class="ullev[level]">', "</ul>", true, '<ul id="header_menu1" class="menu"><li class="home"><a href="'.WB_URL.'"> </a></li>')
--- End code ---
Maybe it's handy to take a look at: (just like crnogorac081 said)
Hope this works for you!
Found the solution,
I replaced in one place of the css a "display: none" to "display: block".
As simple as that
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