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Mobile Device Website

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i've never had this kind of foreverredirect with my mobile detector, at witch level do you detect? and how do you implement the templates?

Tez Oner:

thanx for the replies... esspecially the Andriod issue... it should be fixed now!
The issue was; 1 - a redirect on browser-platform e.g. iPhone, Android etc...
to detect mobile-devices and 2nd; a redirect that detects the system-platform
e.g. Mac, Linux and Windows for the proper CSS-files.

And as Android is both Android-browser and Linux-system... it kept redirecting
between the regular and mobile website...

Used a code like this, should be better by now:

--- Code: ---if(strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'iPhone') || strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'iPad') || strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'iPod')
$browser = 'mobileDevice';
--- End code ---

Check out the VA Template Framework for an implementation of this script!



you should check the detector on my mobile template:,20946.0.html
more "thorought"

but it's not the latest version

i've now a platforme detector that can give "wap" "mobile touch" "html4" and "html5" different templates.


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