General Community > WebsiteBaker Website Showcase
I'm impressed. In just a few hours I did this!
This website baker CMS is amazing. I love how it isn't bloated with everything you could imagine. It has just what I need.
anyways, here is what I have so far:
(the index.html is still there, so you'll need to click the link to see the WB)
edit: you see the menu, there is a gap between each item. Is that a <br />? if so what file is it located in so I can remove it. Its too big. I'd rather use padding. Unless it is padding and I'm just not doing it right :lol:
Yep ... it is amazing how quick you get a decent looking site up and running with WB ... that is one of the reasons I like it to ....
The note with the gaps seems an interentexplorer fault (see here for description: In firefox it looks absolutly OK ... haven't checked Opera though (it runs on the IE engine, doesn't it?) ... look up the screen.css file of your template.
Can wee soon expect some templates from you??? :-D
--- Quote from: kweitzel on January 22, 2006, 08:58:32 AM ---haven't checked Opera though (it runs on the IE engine, doesn't it?)
--- End quote ---
Not sure on that one but my sites looks fine in opera and firefox, its just IE i have to adjust for.
You site looks nice there flesh_magick and you're right, WV is made for ease and good looking sites :) and i love invision its an excellent board.
Thank you for the replies Klaus and mysticfreeman!
I am fooling around with the menu. I am determined to get it more the way I want it to look! I have it looking the same in IE and FF right now. I'm trying to get the sub pages to look correct now. they are being cut off.
and about templates, if I ever have time to dive more into it, I will maybe make one one day. as it is I am busy making IPB skins, but WB seems very cool too :D
with those tablebased layouts you are going to run into difficulties ... you should try purly css based one ... check out the floattutorial guide at u
They are really easy to implement and the way to go in terms of flexibility.
PS: you can basically copy and past them, add the couple of PHP Commands you need and that's it ...
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