WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Members area of website with different menu

(1/2) > >>

New to the WebsiteBaker groups and love the ease of use for building / designing a website.  However I am running into issues with having a members section of the website.  Ideally it will have its own background/layout and menu links.  When I originally tried this I was able to hide the members section from the public view, but when I applied a members template the new links showed up(as well as public menu).  I see 2 approaches, but not sure if there is a best way to either one.  Also.. Would like to add current date and Members Login link on top right.  Can see this being the same on both with a link back to Public Site if on the members pageā€¦ Any inputs or comments?    Also.. attached is quick view of what I am wanting public side to look like.. just haven't added the date or links on top right.

Approach 1:

- Public
  -- PG1
  -- PG2
  -- PG3

- Members Area
  -- MbrPG1
  -- MbrPG2
  -- MbrPG3

Approach 2:

- Public
  -- PG1
  -- PG2
  -- PG3
  --PG4 / Member Login
  ---- MbrPG1
  ---- MbrPG2
  ---- MbrPG3

[gelöscht durch Administrator]

I'm not sure if I understand the problem... This is how you should create a public section and a member section.
1. Create a member groups and some members in the Site Settings.
2. Create a public section (let's call it Section A), and a member section (let's call it Section B) in your pages index.
3. Set Section B to be visible for members, through the page settings
4. That's it. If you're not logged in you see Section A, if you're logged in you see both section A and Section B.

If you want to have section B to look differently, just use another template for those pages. It just should look like:

- Home
- Section A
- Section B

So you probably need 3 templates: 1 for the homepage and 1 for each main section. Use the same menu call in each template. So don't use multiple menus. But if you want to hide the menu for Section A, when logged in, then use the code below to show or hide it according to logged in status. Or just use 2 separate menus.

Now, the login link. Have a look at the login droplet:
Put that in a separate page and a login/logout form will appear. Just link to that page from the top right with the code:

--- Code: ---<?php
if(FRONTEND_LOGIN AND $admin->is_authenticated()) {
echo "<a href=\"";
echo "\">Log out &raquo;</a>";
else echo "<a href=\"your_link_to_the_login_page\">Log in &raquo;</a>";
--- End code ---
It will show a login link if not logged in, and a log out link if logged in. Or use it to link back to the public section like you wrote (not user friendly in my opinion).

Thanks for the info on the login...

To clarify a little bit.
I am trying to have separate menu's or public and members.
In your case.. I would like to only show section B links when in members section.

After playing with it over the weekend I am having a Section A and Section B with pages under each section.  I use a show_menu2 function that only lists Public and Members at the top right to easily bounce back between the two sections.  Along with a second show_menu2 function to list the sub pages.  Just needing to convert it from only showing 1 level to a drop down menu.  I am still trying to get a good understanding on the show_menu2 function and how to do dropdown.

My big concern now is... Has anybody dealt with the glassberry template?  I tweaked it and got it to look exactly the way I needed it.  Hover.. When I put a a link it adds  >> before the image or word.  

FYI.. found the problem on the glassberry template. 
The >> comes from the template adding a gif image on all links.

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