General Community > WebsiteBaker Website Showcase Finally, My [italian] site :D

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Hey, definatly great layouts, on both sites.

The Navigation, is it done static or dynamic with WB?

Nice website!

--- Quote from: leron on January 16, 2006, 06:00:29 PM ---I can't update to 2.6.1 (with the script after the update the menu not work correctly) so I'm waiting for 3.0 to rewrite the new site :)
--- End quote ---

Don't know if you read the post of Ryan?


Waiting for 3.0. can take a while. If you describe your problem in another thread maybe we can help you...


--- Quote from: Woudloper on January 16, 2006, 08:01:35 PM ---Nice website!

--- Quote from: leron on January 16, 2006, 06:00:29 PM ---I can't update to 2.6.1 (with the script after the update the menu not work correctly) so I'm waiting for 3.0 to rewrite the new site :)
--- End quote ---

Don't know if you read the post of Ryan?


Waiting for 3.0. can take a while. If you describe your problem in another thread maybe we can help you...

--- End quote ---

doh! I haven't read the post :(

so I have to rebuilt the site with 2.6.1 ? :(

the problem with the update is in the menu: If i update the site, many links of the menu sections are missing (home, guestbook...) snd If I publish a new category, many other categories disappear (sorry for the language)

I have tried many times, and the update procedure is correct

The site looks great!

Just a question... wich module have you used to make the gallery?

Ciao Francesco

Ti congratulo per i tuoi siti. Sono sviluppati con molta sapienza e molto gusto. Visto che tu ti scusi per il tuo inglese, io faccio la stessa cosa per il mio italiano... :lol: anche se lo parlo correntemente, per quanto rigruarda le mie facoltà da scrivano... bé,  lasciano un pò a desiderare... (io sono italiano ma abito da 35 anni nella svizzera tedesca).

Mi domando, visto che WB versione 3.0 si farà attendere, se tu non saresti disposto a rimettere il tuo bellissimo template al forum (se ho capito bene lavori con la versione 2.5.2, come anch'io. Per qualche motivo non sono fino ad oggi riuscito ad installare la versione 2.6.1). La prossima settimana
visiteró Attila (abita ad un'ora di macchina da me ed é anche lui membro di questo foro), spero che riesca a risolvere il mio problema...
Saluti, Virgilio

short translation:
congratulation for the site / as WB 3.0 won't be published in the near future i asked francesco (leron) if he would be willing to release his wonderful template to the forum / i mentioned also that i didn't succed (several times) to install WB 2.6.1 and therefore I still work with 2.5.2
(Next week I will go and visit Attila, maybe he can help me out)



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