General Community > WebsiteBaker Website Showcase
[Dutch] Website of local political party finally coming to the end...
Hi Woudloper,
Looks very good, clear navigation and all. Colors are not my taste either :|, but that's obviously not your fault.
Looks good, You have used the 'housestyle' very good.
In fact, I like your navigation better then the one on cdahuistijl
Very nice. Orange isn't my favorite either but your design makes it work and that's what's important.
Did you use Suckerfish menus for the dropdowns?
You might want to consider adding an RSS link to your blog page.
--- Quote from: mysticcowboy on February 01, 2006, 01:16:46 AM ---
Did you use Suckerfish menus for the dropdowns?
--- End quote ---
I'm also curious about how you made the dropdow menus, they work well.
@mysticcowboy: thanks for the suckerfish-tip.
I know of the Suckerfish Dropdown and have used that on some other website, but the main disadvantage was the code and the way it behaves on the browser. The think I dislike is the fact the menu is gone when the mouse cursor moves away from the submenu.
The menu code I use for the menu on the website is based upon this code created by Tino Zijdel. I discovered this peice of code after reading his entry for the addEvent() contest that Peter Paul Koch ( created last year (september 2005).
The example of the code created by Tino Zijdel (crisp) is very clear and the layout (horizontal menu[/url]) has been done with CSS and created with help of List a matic and the website: 456
Hope that this answer is clear enough. If you still have questions don't hesitate to write further comment.
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