WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Bakery Shop
Is there bestsellers snippet yet?
Change everytime lastitems occurs into bestsellers, do NOT forget the info file
So when you install them, both last items and bestsellers get installed
Last items is a rather smal set of files so it is easy to do by hand, with larger amounts of files I usually use dreamweavers find and replace (case sensitive) to replace all instances of the modulenam and directory...
Search for last_items and LAST_ITEMS
With acts like these you can for instance even change 'bakery' into something called 'shop'
Here is last items modifyed to bestsellers (see attachment). Is it ok?
I tested bestseller snippet together with last items and it worked fine.
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Next thing:
Other buyers also bought...
Idea: in the view_item (detail page) randomly display two or three items that have been bought by people that bought that specific item...
Can be made from any_items
Might be possible without altering bakery...
Code can be easily insterted into view detailed info with showsection droplet
Show section droplet needs to have extra lines like
If (empty($content)){
$content=' ';
$content = $content;
To prevent having errors if there are no items to display....
That would be cool idea for Bakery! So this snippet gives customer more hints what other customers have bought with this specific product. So choice is already made for customer ;) NICE!
I have to test this in the future :)
working on that one ...
needs quite some creative thinking ... and puzzling ...
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