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Media Design Portfolio and a WB CMS Demosite


Tez Oner:

just wanna let you know about my media company porfolio website!
it's build on a (self) customized version of Website Baker. It's not my first
but at least the first mayor big one... lot's of modules used, a template with
7 areas to publish and very unusual way of displaying content. Added some
extra functionality with javascript (pagescroll) and jQuery (dropshadows for text)
and made some code-modules scripts to list recent items from the database.
lot's to say but...

check the website at:

Also check out the related Demosite of the VA WB CMS were using to build our websites.
It's a customized version of the Website Baker, with a more clean interface and an advanced
CSS structure, with seperate files for all Modules  :wink: (a downloadable template is available).

this one is at



both sites in IE7 on XP, line 10 character 1 JQUERY not defined (translated from dutch - Regel 10, Teken 1, Jqeury is niet definieerd

in IE7 on XP VA WB CMS shows menu over text, see attached picture.


[gelöscht durch Administrator]

the jquery.textshadow.j s should be loaded after jquery.1.4.4.js, not before.

I like the sites.. Specialy angled menu and QR code :)

Tez Oner:

--- Quote from: pcwacht on July 04, 2011, 08:23:15 AM ---both sites in IE7 on XP, line 10 character 1 JQUERY not defined (translated from dutch - Regel 10, Teken 1, Jqeury is niet definieerd

in IE7 on XP VA WB CMS shows menu over text, see attached picture.


--- End quote ---

Hi, thanks (also dbs) for the comments... I'm mainly working on Mac, did (some) cross-browser checking but it seems some things need some extra attention so gonna check how fix it,




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