We are currently working on our servers, so there may be outages on the domains.Zurzeit wird an unseren Servern gearbeitet, deshalb kann es zu Ausfällen bei den Domains kommen.
Looking great nibz! Much better One thing: you have to click the text to show the dropdown. It would be better if the complete dropdown would be clickable.
Great Template THX a lot Two Questions:1. How can i get the menu align on the right side instead oft align left?2. How can i get a logo on the left side before the menu?
ul.mega-menu {float: right}
<div class="logo"><img src="http://placehold.it/150x40"></div>
.logo {display: inline-block; float: left; position: relative; z-index: 1;}
@media only screen and (max-width : 400px) { .logo {width: 75px;} .logo img {max-width: 75px !important; height: auto; padding-top: 8px;} #wrapper {min-width: 280px;}}
top: -5px;
<?php show_menu2(1, SM2_ROOT, SM2_ALL, SM2_ALL|SM2_NUMCLASS|SM2_PRETTY, '<li id="p[page_id]"><a href="[url]" class="[class]">[if(level=4){<span>- </span>}][if(level=5){<span>-- </span>}][menu_title]</a>', '</li>', '[ul]', '</ul>', false, '<ul class="mega-menu">');?>
<?php show_menu2(1, SM2_ROOT, SM2_ALL, SM2_ALL|SM2_NUMCLASS|SM2_PRETTY, '<li id="p[page_id]"><a href="[url]" class="[class]">[if(level=1){<span>- </span>}][if(level=2){<span>-- </span>}][menu_title]</a>', '</li>', '[ul]', '</ul>', false, '<ul class="mega-menu">');?>
<div class="white"> <!-- << set menu color here (basic,black,gray,blue,orange,red,green,light-blue or white)-->