WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Double Step Menu with show_menu2

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Here a little demo how I do double step css menu with show_menu2

Thank you, that is very nice!

Nice! The downside is that you cannot use the page titles on pages anymore... For the menu the page titles must be short and to the point, whereas page titles used on actual pages are much longer and often more like sentences. So you must use <h1>This is the page title for this page</h1> within the WYSIWYG editor. That's not a big problem, but the page titles that are set in the page settings also function as page titles for search engines, and short page titles are not as effective as longer ones.

To sum up: your solution is clever and works nicely, but it can have a negative impact on usability and SEO.

I wish for an extra field besides Menu Title, and Page Title...

since the keywords is not something usefull anymore, it's would be great if sm2 could read thems!

what am I saying, sm2 can!


you can make your [keywords] something like "Pride<br /><span>I am good</span>" so the menu would be from the keywords section since no search engine use them anymore....

and use sm2 like this :

--- Code: ---show_menu2(0, SM2_ROOT+1, SM2_START,SM2_TRIM,'[li][a][keywords]</a>');
--- End code ---


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