WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

How to create new admin tab ?



I would like to add another Menu item at WB Backend (Pages, Media,Add-ons...) For example to call it Dashboard. For example: I have multilang. site with multiple news groups on different pages. Now I would like that user cannot see Pages menu and my page tree, or that user doesnt have to open each news page to add new news.. I would like to make him additional tab - Dashboard where he could add a new post to selected group, activate comments etc.. This is just a basic idea, and this could be very useful for lot of things..

Now, my concerns are how to make this. This tab for example called "Dashboard" should appear at Access-> Groups (to check on checkbox to give access for this group like: Admin tools, Pages, Media etc..) , then it must appear at top menu etc..

I have no idea how to make this ??

I created a folder called "dashboard" in admin/ folder with following code in index.php :

--- Code: ---
$admin = new admin('Dashboard','dashboard');

// Setup template object
$template = new Template(THEME_PATH.'/templates');
$template->set_file('page', 'dashboard.htt'); <--------- with a simple html in it..
$template->set_block('page', 'main_block', 'main');

// Insert values into the template object
'SOMETHING' => 'Hi',
'TEST' => 'Testing this..'

// Parse template object
$template->parse('main', 'main_block', false);
$template->pparse('output', 'page');

// Print admin footer

--- End code ---
but it returns "Insufficient privelliges to be here"..

Could someone point me to right direction..



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