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Image Rotator in Banner

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So I'm confused about how to use an add-on.  I installed the jQuery.  In its admin area it will install various things, but for specific pages only, not for a header. 

I tried to install the fancyTransitions add-on, it never completes the installation.   

I got the slideshow working on a test page, but there are no transitions working as they should, just jump cuts, and I don't have a clue how I would get any of this into my header template.   :?


about the slideshow: the path where the pictures are saved is given in the first line of the monoslisdeshow.xml-file, so you can't use any slashes in the file names.
The xml file of the slideshow you put into your template is located in the album subfolder, where the swf file doesn't find it. I guess it has to be in the same directory as the swf file, and if you call the pictures with "header1.jpg" etc it should work. But I don't know the gallery script, maybe you can find more information about it on its developer's site.

About jQuery Admin: There is a special way to install plugins, please have a look at the explanation of this module. The call of a plugin, e.g.  [[jQueryInclude?preset=<Presetname>]], could also be included into your template.


The example set-up that came from the monoslideshow developers has this line for the image path:

<album thumbnail="album/albumThumbnail.jpg" itemPath="album/images" thumbnailPath="album/thumbnails">

Is that what you mean by slashes? 

I have it structured the same way, so it has me stumped why it won't work.  Since I had to add the "<?php echo TEMPLATE_DIR; ?>" to get the paths found for the other elements, could WB be wanting something along these lines in this .xml file, and if so, what might it be?

I've used mono on sites, but never with WB. My guess is that you have the paths incorrect somewhere - that is consistent with the errors you are seeing.

I had the same problem - and more or less by coincidence got it working :-)

1. monoslideshow.xml and .swf are in the same folder (

2. content of monoslideshow.xml:
<album thumbnail=""
                <transition kenBurnsMode="randomZoomIn" />
                <image source="Bild1.JPG" title="" description="" />
                <image source="Bild2.JPG" title="" description="" />
                <image source="Bild3.JPG" title="" description="" />
                <image source="Bild4.JPG" title="" description="" />
                <image source="Bild5.JPG" title="" description="" />
                <image source="Bild6.JPG" title="" description="" />
                <image source="Bild7.JPG" title="" description="" />
                <image source="Bild8.JPG" title="" description="" />
                <image source="Bild9.JPG" title="" description="" />
                <image source="Bild10.JPG" title="" description="" />
                <image source="Bild11.JPG" title="" description="" />
                <image source="Bild12.JPG" title="" description="" />
                <image source="Bild13.JPG" title="" description="" />

3. swfobjects.js is not on my server. WB utomatically uses an AJAX-Script....

4. source-code of my php-side:
<div id="content">
<p><a class="section_anchor" id="wb_43" name="wb_43"></a><p>
<script src="" type="text/javascript">//swfobject plugin</script>
<script type="text/javascript">
/* FCK swfobject v1.5 */
document.write('<div id="flash2011516225758" style="width:600px; height:300px;"><a href="">Get the Flash Player<\/a> to see this player.<\/div>');
var params={};
var attributes={};
var flashvars = {};
swfobject.embedSWF("", "flash2011516225758", 600, 300, "7.0.0", false, flashvars, params, attributes);

Hope this can help anybody!


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