WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
Converting a Site
More a 'Don't do Microsoft when it comes to web' kinda statement.
In the wysiwyg editor you find a paste from word button, that might help, I mean, you still need to copy the word content and paste it.
Another option is to open all with Openoffice and save as html, will clean most stuff as well, then copy that. Maybe it could be batched processed.
There are allso a lot of msword-html cleaner thingys out there in the web.
My way is
1 open word document
2 ctrl-a, ctrl-c
3 open Crimsoneditor (or any other descent text editor) and ctrl-v
4 then ctrl-a and ctrl-c and paste in web
Then going over it to make it looks a bit better, linebreaks, headings, lists that sort ofg things
Cumbersome but gives cleanest code after all
Have fun,
Fastest way with new pages: open source mode of the editor, paste, go back to normal mode. Voila, clean text.
Or even faster: use Innovastudio editor (commercial, but cheap and powerful editor) and set settings to "Paste always as text". Then you can just paste whatever you want right in the editor, and it only pastes ascii.
Thanks Argos and John,
I will investigate! For me, your text tips are a non-problematic contributions, and thanks. But, for the customer ... well, that might, "tip her over the edge", so to speak. She learns fast, but up-keeping the town's website-content is a small part of her job description.
I'm doing all of the website development work for free as a community member and hosting is at cost-price. But their WB site really does, "rock" in every respect, however, I still need the help of you WB guys from time-to-time. So thanks for being here.
ps. I am trying to sell that particular town-council website design locally, but without any success. ... and I would never say that some potential customers have very short arms and very long pockets !!! :-D
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