General Community > WebsiteBaker Website Showcase

funkin' skankin' WebsiteBaker

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Christmas time is cookie baking time. My is still hot...

Finally my WebsiteBaker dared to show it's body to the wild:

Funky Kingston:

Well, we like the site. My dvelopping time frame was very narrow due to some other dates I have to meet.
But I can say that the easy bakin' (I like easy recipies  :roll:!) [thanx to Ryan, Stefan] I could make it.
I wouldn't have been possible without the help of the forum members [special thanx to ruebenwurzel for giving hints on database management and encoding], Stefan's improved menu and the module developers.

My main difficulties with setting up (I know XHTML/CSS - I won't talk of the special IE CSS redering... a nightmare!) were in the database migration, umlauts and some adjustments I had to make to make the mudules more xhtml-standard compliant.

I have tweaked all modules so they now don't get any warnings by tidy from their markup. They may get warnings deriving from the data that the users put in - but c'mon u can't control everything.
The one I did't have success with was the form module.

Well, check out the page and tell me what you think.
If you want I can also post my modifications to the modules.

Well, I think with the next page it will go smoother...

OK, geatings to all bakers!   :-D

It sure does say 'RASTA' all over the site.

Nice job.


yo man... u a r on a good way! for a rastaman... your template seems to be to boxie...
never mind, go ahead!
boom shiva  :mrgreen:

ich finde deine seite inhaltlich toll, das template ist mir aber ein wenig zu quadratisch.
die musik sollte dich eigentlich zu anderen formen anregen, denke ich! die farben sind logischerweise gegeben und gut eingesetzt.
des weiteren hast du wohl zwischendurch mal einige buchstaben im text vergessen, aber das lässt sich ändern :-)
mach weiter so!


--- Quote from: burki on December 28, 2005, 07:49:13 PM ---your template seems to be to boxie...

--- End quote ---

what do you mean by that?

das GRUEZI war toll :-D
dein template könnte ein wenig runder, flockiger sein... mein englisch lässt zu wünschen übrig :-)


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