WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Change active menu color when menu is developed using showmenu()

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I am new to WB. I have created a website. I have a horizontal menu which is developed using showmenu() function. How can i highlight the active menu?

For eg:
i have 3 pages: Home, About Us and Contact Us
Wen the web page is opened the current menu will be home. When About us is clicked it will display the content of about us page but it should also highloght the about us menu tab also. How can i do it if am using showmenu()?

If you look at the sourcecode of your generated pages you should find the the classes that are added for the current menu-item.

It comes in the div topNav. Inside that <ul> and <li>. But in source code it does not state that which is active.

Can you tell us what the showmenu() call looks like in your template?

Can we have a look at the website?

<?php show_menu(1, 0, 1, true, '<li>[a][menu_title][/a]','</li>','<ul>', '</ul>', '', ''); ?>


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