WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Bakery Shop
problem with item options
hello and merry christmas to you,
i'm using latest bakery and encountered thos problem:
(since i use german bakery i hope i translated correctly)
i sell parts, new and used
so i configuered item options as follows
new = 100
used = 50
when i change the price by clicking the pen symbol, bakery lists this option 20something times or so:
used = 55
used = 55
used = 55
used = 55
used = 55
used = 55
used = 55
used = 55
used = 55
used = 55
used = 55
when i delete this article option, baklery deletes the prices of ALL articles in shop and i have to start over again
but the "used" option still exists, only the prices are all gone....
what do i do wrong??? :?
This is a bug in some older bakery versions. You should upgrade..
thank you
i didnt notice that 1.5 was outdated
this also solves other bugging problems...
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