WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Bakery Shop

Problem with Bakery message (email)


Ben Meijer:
Hi people,

I put bakery on 2 different pages, selling different things (one server/domain), so I want different confirmation messages. This seems to not be possible. Please help, how do I seperate the messages.

Kind Regards,
Ben Meijer

Hi Ben,

Thank you for that excellent question. I can assure you that you are not alone in wanting to do this.

Unfortunately, that feature is not available in the current version of Bakery. It is possible to do this however it requires careful search and replace across all Bakery source code files in order to enable you to install multiple copies of Bakery at the same time.

In the next version of Bakery, it will be easier to install multiple copies of Bakery with a little technical effort which will requires a simple edit a config file before doing the installation.

For more information on new features coming up in the next version of Bakery, or to contribute code or suggestions for new features, please see the following thread:,18426.msg128640.html#msg128640

With best regards,



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