WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Adding content in the panel, below vertical main menu.


I'm modifying Simple template included in WebsiteBaker. I have vertical main menu.
I'd like to use the space below this menu to place there linked images but it must be edited from adminisrtation panel.
How can i add this feature?  


try Addon file editor, this module allows you to edit the template via Backend (HTML knowledge required).

Another way could be to build a WYSIWYG section with the linked images once and include this into the other pages (search forum for "global blocks").

Last but not least - but this is merely for advanced users - you could also generate an image navigation with show_menu2() by using css classes and IDs.


i can edit index.php of a template (in Dw for instance), but what can i use to create space witch will be placed (always) below menu an will be modified by administration panel (wyswig) and will not be a page. Will be floating down if another link would be added to menu?
global blocks ? ok i will search for it.

ok. thanks.
I managed to do that entering [[ShowSection?section=32]] in certain place of index.php of my template.
Before that i created this droplet , of course.
Now i have to position that block somehow. Probably by using a div tag class and css.
I hope someone somewhere sometime will take advantage of this topic.

Regards to every WB users


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