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Professional layout.

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Oh, a question? Umm.... what was that again? :-)  Thank you for your curiousity about my idea.

Yes, you're both right. You have to accomodate users and designers. (Yes, I'm Canadian, why?)

1) You have to know your users and design accordingly.  Personally, I try to keep in mind what a friend tells me. 
"Hmm... its not very functional in Lynx...."  or to be more explicit... why would you want to prevent any users from being able to access your site?

And being a public American group, you might want to remember the Accessiblity Act, eh?

Is your site usable by a blind user for instance? Get a screen reader, there's at least one with a timed-demo . Or a blind user. I had one try out my site. He said it worked great for him - and a relief not to have zillions of "image... image... image... image...image...

If most of your users will be using 800x600, great, design for that, but realize where it will break down.   Content first, yes, but if you can't get to a menu, what difference does the content make? Menus that overlap like that make it hard to navigate, so function IS related.

Maybe consider doing a plain text banner menu ?

2) Specifics IE 6.0 on XP... the font size doesn't change when I try to switch to a bigger font, works fine with FF, but FF doesn't use the proper "absolute relative" sizes (...small, med, large...) but Normal, like you mentioned.

So not sure what's going on there, not sure what you're doing with the CSS, I'm assuming you've still got a 11pt in there.  11 is not bad for 800x600 I guess. But if you're careful, you should be able to manage making it relative.  I used "medium" I believe, on this site and FF will scale it to any size. Now, admittedly, there's no graphic bullets or nested menus, but it works well, even with Netscape 4.7

The Nielsen stuff is good, but recall, a lot of that is older information. You'll also note that his site design could be called "minimalist".  Content first, last, and menus in between :-)  If you (or other readers) haven't heard there's a small movement to "under-designed" websites. Forgoing the flash, its about the content, and a design that is big enough and readable on any platform or browser.  Web standards are fine as they go, but phones, PDAs and other small screens are making a wave too, and you never know when the lowest denominator may be important.

Frankly, while the colour contrast is interesting and grabs the attention easily enough, stripping off the coloured bullets would do nothing to hurt your site, and if doing that results in a menu that is scalable to any size, I'd do it in a second.  If you want colour to contrast it, change the background of the menu box or something maybe?

Any more thoughts

wheres the Professional layout ?

Now im thinking of design and such, and I (sorry) don't see any Professional layout / design in this.

DCEG, thanks for your input.  Do the Canadians have similiar requirements for accesibility? Seems to me these menus will be the death of me.  If TWO people think they need to change, then something's not right.

Re: accessibility, the menu items are links in an unordered list, with background-image defined.  It is my understanding that the text should be read not "image", but if that's wrong, it needs to change.  Also, the current version of the template has:

* alt tags for all non-trivial images
* a large page title at the top of the content
* divs flip-flopped such that the content renders first in text

--- Quote from: zaggi on December 20, 2005, 02:29:11 PM ---wheres the Professional layout ?

Now im thinking of design and such, and I (sorry) don't see any Professional layout / design in this.

--- End quote ---

So, you don't think it's professional, but you neither attempt to explain your assertion, nor offer suggestions to make it better?  Look, isn't the idea behind forums to share ideas and useful information?  I (sorry) see no merit to posts such as this.  Please send all further comments to /dev/null.

I was thinking colors, and layout. The layout is kinda ordinary, and I really don't like those colors.
See the same site here: with other colors, and it helps alittle.

Though i like the photo(shop?) works with the pictures in the top.
The menu is ok to..
So.. Must be the colors.

Ok im real tired, but you getting there. What more can i say. Its a quistion about taste I guess, but for me it dosent looks professional.

With that said! I still didnt say it was BAD. There is a big different!

The language barrier strikes again.  Your statement reads a lot more tersely and insultingly than it sounds like you meant it.  Still... you say it doesn't look professional.  Why?  Does everything have to be white with rounded corners these days? ;)


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