WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Bakery Shop
Bakery Module
Hi snoork,
The new version will includes a promo system. While the promo code management system is done, I am trying to figure out how to actually applying the discount to the prices. The promo code system also includes an option for free shipping which is actually working. Not sure how complete the implementation will be in the coming release however my objective is to have it 100% working by the time it is released.
It's interesting to note that adding a promo code system to Bakery was what got me started on this quest to enhance Bakery. It is now the only thing I have left to complete out of my To Do list. Many of the enhancements (like a new tax system based on a tax table) came from my own needs. I did also scanned the Bakery forum looking for ideas. Some, if they didn't take too long, I just implemented it. Others ended up on my wish list of future enhancements.
Could you do me a favour and share with me your vision of how you would like to offer discounts? For example, are all your products the same price? Would you want to have the discount code applicable on all items in your shop or just on a specific item? Are you looking to offer a percentage discount or fixed amount? Any information you could offer would be helpful. My business is to provide services so I don't have a lot of experience with issues that are specific to selling products. Shipping, for example, never comes up in my business.
I can't promise that the promo code system will work out exactly the way you want. I have built in a certain amount of flexibility into the promo code system however I am developing primarily to meet my own needs first.
Don't worry, open source is an evolutionary process that never ends. You never know, someone might volunteer to help me out and we'll get even more new features in place.
Best regards,
Hi Nick,
I am not familiar with how droplets work behind the scenes. However a little while ago I did come across a post from someone who described how to make droplets work in PHP templates. Unfortunately I don't remember where in the forums I found it. I would imagine that there must be some kind of function that can be called on a string to make the droplet work. Kind of like YourText = InterpretDroplet("Here is your text: [[sectionpicker?sid=10]]"). If you can search the forums for me to find that information, it might be possible to enable droplets in each of the Page Settings sections depending on how much work it ends up being.
Best regards,
--- Quote from: daydreamer on August 25, 2010, 09:20:21 PM ---What I am trying to achieve is to add a small contact form to each product... A product enquiry if you like.
I just thought it best if I had a form and called it with a droplet but as it is at the moment it will not work adding [[sectionpicker?sid=10]] in the footer section.
--- End quote ---
Discount thingy;
I will send you a pm
I do not see the need to put in a wysiwyg-field in the settings-page,is it because you want to be Anke to choose THE droplets from the droplet-popup from the editor, just like f.i. an internal link.....
I have used droplets many times in settingspages, just type [[dropletname]] in the field and it should work.
Ok maybe a easier way to enquire about a product would be to have a link on the product detail page " Enquire about this product" which takes you to a form which pulls the product title into the subject. Is there a simple way of doing this with the form thats built into WB?
Hi Nick,
I have been faced with a similar situation. If you use the MPForm module, you may have a solution that is already implemented.
MPForm is an enhanced alternative to the Form module that is included with WebsiteBaker. One of the really useful features is that it includes a Referer URL which lets you know which page the customer came from. Since each product has its own unique URL, you can use this to identifying the product in question. Not sure if the Forms module that comes with WebsiteBaker includes this feature.
If you aren't already using MPForm, take a look at it. One of the many useful enhancements included is a built-in autoresponder that you can turn on. This gives the client that extra level of interaction by confirming their action and establishing their expectations for your response. Your auto-response message can even suggest checking an FAQ list, or, if you tend to always get the same type of questions, include the answer in the message. You can even include promotional information. My clients like to use it for collecting names and email addresses in exchange for giving stuff. The only thing that is missing for this last purpose would be an easy way to access the list of submitted email addresses... anyone have a snippet for this?.
You will find MPForm at :
Best regards,
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