WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Blocks not displaying

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Oooops!! Apparently I have it all wrong.. WB is the most confusing CMS ever.. Admin page is horrible, a total mess...
But I really like the possibilities it expands. I'd say the only thing in WB that makes me interested is the block's feature. Took awhile to undestand it but I finnaly did. (No thanks to the admin interface, it sucks very badly...).
So apparently I was trying to load another page("page1") into Page2's block "pre-footer1". But I should actually use another section from the same page. Great!
Thanks for the help kweitzel. WB can be very wonderfull after I fully comprehend it. And how about a new admin section for next release?


--- Quote from: been_1990 on August 07, 2010, 02:44:14 AM ---And how about a new admin section for next release?
--- End quote ---

Feel free to make one ... the admin IS skinnable ...




What do you mean with "admin section" - the whole backend, the "welcome" page in the backend, the page tree, the options in the backend...?
The admin is skinnable - have you tried the three different backend themes that are being delivered with WB 2.8.1?
The developer team of WB is keen on making it better... But they can only make it better than now they have a really good feedback, solutions how to make it better... Best would be you open some new forum thread where you post a bit more detailed ideas or even solutions.

Yours Michael


--- Quote ---Feel free to make one ... the admin IS skinnable ...
--- End quote ---
I really want to to that.

--- Quote ---Hello!

What do you mean with "admin section" - the whole backend, the "welcome" page in the backend, the page tree, the options in the backend...?
The admin is skinnable - have you tried the three different backend themes that are being delivered with WB 2.8.1?
The developer team of WB is keen on making it better... But they can only make it better than now they have a really good feedback, solutions how to make it better... Best would be you open some new forum thread where you post a bit more detailed ideas or even solutions.
--- End quote ---

I mean the whole backend. The way everything is setup makes me think WB has nothing to offer, but it does.
But then again maybe its just me. Anyway I am thinking of skinnig it in PS, posting it , get feedback , etc..
At first glance WB seemed to me as some junky start of a CMS, I only started using it because Im designing a friends website and he uses WB. Now I might use it for future projects as well. I really like it, it offers some flexibility not present in Joomla and other CMS's. Thanks for all the hard work guys.


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