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... and another successfull implementation

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Hi Folks, Developers, Supporters and so on ...

Having tought for quite a while about updating our "nethome" I finally found the overview of CMS Systems @ and the decision of using WB to manage the site was quite quick, but well informed!

So after Installation and playing around a bit with WB and CSS I got a color scheme working which my wife and I do like ... and so quick it was, it is awesome ...

So, I Invite you to take a look @ The content was up and running in less than 2 days, but it took longest to find out which gallery module to use, since the techsupport of my webhost told me there are no binaries for image manipulation and won't be ...

The only thing that remains now is to bring the guestbook to the same color scheme that the rest of the site uses.

Has anybody changed the guestbook to css by any chance?

Looking forward to hear your comments, please all do keep up the good work

Klaus Weitzel of

if you are using the guestbook version 1.2 [and it looks like you do  :-)] you can change the colors in the admin-section guestbook / options

Site sure looks nice


hey, thanks for the tip, although i saw it, i didn't realise ... :cry:

I just thought, since I want the whole Layout to change over to CSS that somebody would maybe have done it already ... but then, I still have some issues with CSS that I haven't overcome yet.

There are a couple of pages that I created some time ago, which I am moving over (like the Greenock and Districkt Modelrailway Club) to CSS, but they can not yet go online. I am just getting used to the features of CSS especially the boxes and their behaviour ...

This page is currently a sandbox for me to test all the stuff I want to do with those pages. It will get there .. I know.

nice and straighforward. what gallery system did you end up using?


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