WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Bakery Shop
After using PayPal the order has been lost in the backend system
I have inherited a WB site written by another developer. It looks good and if customers pay by invoice the site works perfectly. If payment via PayPal is switched on and a customer chooses to pay by that method then sometimes (not always!) the back end system fails to store the order. The customer pays and gets a receipt from PayPal, but when the site owner looks for the order in the admin module, it isn't there. I've checked the db and the order definitely isn't there - it's not simply hidden. I think the problem may be to do with the session but debugging something like this seems impossible! Any ideas, any help gratefully received...
Hi pearsmoss
* Bakery Version?
* Readf about Bakery and PayPal:
* Make some tests upon payment completion.
* Wait for redirection from PayPal to Bakery shop.
* Break redirection by closing your browser or surfing to another site.What happens regarding the Bakery/db entries?
* This post might give another hint...
Regards Christoph
Thanks Christophe
I think it's a modern version of Bakery because the files are dated 7 May 2010. I know this is a stupid question but how do I find the version number! I know that the main WB CMS is 2.8 because that's what it says in the top right hand cornner when I log onto the site CMS
If you go into the Add-On Section for Modules you have a dropdown for "Module Details". There you can find the Versionnumber of the Module.
Hello, the same thing has happened to me as well. Everything has been working perfectly until a few weeks ago. Now when a customer makes a purchase, the order is not stored in the system, nor am I able to tell what the customer ordered. I receive a payment from paypal, but I don't know what was ordered because the description does not show in Paypal and is not stored in the administration panel. Has anyone figured out what's going on and what''s happening. I am using Website Baker 2.8 and have just installed the latest Bakery plugin because I thought that it would fix the problem.
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